Before buying any product, first, you need to know your skin type and know the difference between skin lightening and skin whitening. Dark spots, freckles, acne, and uneven skin tone are the obstacle to getting brighter skin.
The two may sound alike but differ quite a bit
- SKIN LIGHTING: refer to using a product to lighten your skin color as well as acne, blemishes, dark spot, and so on.
The change is usually gradual and happens over a long period with the right product.
- WHITENING SKIN: it is the aggressive method that drastically changes your natural skin tone to a much whiter complexion.
Whitening cream that contains bleaching agents like hydroquinone and mercury. there are often used to inhibit melanin production. these ingredients are potentially toxic for the skin and can raise other health complications.
To make your skin lighter, it is important to prevent your skin from getting dark first. you can prevent it by using sunscreen and exfoliating regularly.
- EXFOLIATE YOUR SKIN: It is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin using chemical, exfoliation tools.
There are many different types of scrub to exfoliate your skin. you can search on YouTube for reviews.
- USE PROTECTION FACTOR: sun exposure can wreak your complexion. and your body produces melanin which makes your skin look darker.
Using sunscreen will prevent sunburn and protect you from the sun when going out. also wear sunglasses and a hat.
- CLEANSE AND MOISTURIZE YOUR SKIN DAILY: follow a good skincare routine where the skin is properly cleansed, exfoliate and moisturize.
Clean your face twice a day and moisturize it with a product suited for your skin type.
- DRINK WATER AND FOLLOW A HEALTHY DIET: Drink more water and eat healthy food like fruits. it helps keep your skin looking fresh.
You can also consider taking a vitamin c supplement that contains ingredient such as Grapeseed Extract which provide antioxidant benefit, and Flaxseed or Fish Oil which contains omega 3 and is good for hair, skin, and nails.
- GET A BRIGHTENING LOTION: Some creams and soaps are proven to be best for lightening skin. when choosing a skin-lightening product, make sure it contains at least one of these ingredients:
Azelaic acid: it is a popular skin ingredient highly effective in lightening your skin without adverse skin complications.
Kojic acid: 2% of kojic acid is safe for use as a depigmenting ingredient.
- SERUM: Using serum helps cleanse the skin. There are many different types of serum with unique purposes and ingredients. for example, Dr. Rachel's Vitamin C serum has a highly concentrated base of pure vegan hyaluronic acid to plump skin cells, and protect and restore the cells.
It is effective in fading sun sport, dark spots, and discoloration. there are great for helping with hydra.
I'll try it out some time